szombat 25. január 2025

Services of the Hospital


The scope of healthcare services provided by the Buda Hospital of the Hospitaller Order of Saint John of God is dominated by the traditional branches of medical science, such as internal medicine, surgery, urology, and othorhinolaryngology. Since 2000, several new units have been set up, including the Cardiology Department, which is integrated into the acute myocardial infarction inspection system of Budapest. It covers – with the exception of cardiosurgery – almost the entire spectrum of cardiology, including cardiac catheterization and pacemaker implantation.


After being returned to the Hospitaller Order, the Hospital has specialized in a complex management of locomotor diseases, and the departments of rheumatology and orthopaedics have also been further developed. In addition, all therapeutic and diagnostic units and departments have been re-organised to create a general hospital providing almost all in-patient and out-patient care services.


The adult care profile of the Hospital covers the following medical faculties:

  1. Allergology and Immunology
  2. Cardiology
  3. Chronic Internal Medicine
  4. Dentistry and Dental Surgery
  5. Dermatology
  6. Diabetology
  7. Endocrinology
  8. Gastroenterology
  9. General Internal Medicine
  10. Gynaecology
  11. Intensive Care and Anaesthesia
  12. Lymphoedema Service
  13. Neurology
  14. Ophthalmology
  15. Orthopaedics
  16. Osteoporosis Service
  17. Othorhinolaryngology
  18. Physiotherapy
  19. Psychiatry
  20. Psychology
  21. Rheumatology
  22. Surgery
  23. Urology

The diagnostic background is created by the following areas:

  1. Central Laboratory
  2. Nuclear Medicine
  3. Pathology
  4. Radiology

Further specialised services offered by the Hospital:

  1. Clinical Pastoral Care (Spiritual Counselling and Soul Care Services)
  2. General pharmacy open to the public. While providing for a safe supply of pharmaceutical products on a daily basis to the patients treated in the Hospital, it has an important role in catering for the needs of those living in the nearby residential area.

The constantly changing socio-economic environment has induced a major development in medicine, nursing and health sciences as well. In this new era, differentiated organisational and management techniques are needed. While extending the professional profile of the Hospital, we have certainly acquired new instruments and introduced new methods, but we still follow the spiritual mission of our predecessors, the Hospitaller Brothers, who settled in Hungary in the 18th century to establish one hospital after the other.


The philosophy of the Buda Hospital of the Hospitaller Order of Saint John of God has, therefore, remained unchanged: diseases are managed not simply on a physical-biological level but the patients are taken care of on a holistic basis.


The operation of the Order and the Hospital are centred around the following motto: “Open Doors and Open Hearts”.


Betegápoló Irgalmasrend
Budai Irgalmasrendi Kórház
Pf. 98.
1023 Budapest
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